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Friday the 13th! December 13,2024

Friday the 13th! December 13,2024

Friday the 13th is often associated with bad luck or superstition.

This reputation largely comes from religious and cultural beliefs. In Christianity, Friday the 13th is associated with the Last Supper, where Judas, the 13th guest, betrayed Jesus.


Friday the 13th has multiple spiritual meanings, including:

Divine feminine energy

In many cultures and traditions, Friday the 13th was associated with and celebrated divine feminine energy. The planet Venus, which rules over love, beauty, and pleasure, is associated with Friday the 13th.

Intuition and transformation

Some say that Friday the 13th is rooted in ancient feminine energy, intuition, and transformation.

Harnessing the energy of the moon

In astrology, the moon represents emotions and feminine energy. Some say that gazing at the moon and speaking your feelings on Friday the 13th can help you open your heart and find what makes you happy.
- From Google

⁉️ What will you be doing this Friday the 13th?

We are in the midst of the 12/12-12/21 portal! I’m rooting for you working the entire time! 🫶🏽

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