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The Regal Phoenix Insider- All Things Healing

Day 2 of "Allow Me to Introduce Myself" - The Pivot

Day 2 of "Allow Me to Introduce Myself" - The Pivot

Here is Day 2s post! View this post on Instagram 🌟Allow me to introduce myself Day 2🌟 After 15 years...

Allow Me to Introduce Myself via Social Media

Allow Me to Introduce Myself via Social Media

So I recently realized, I have never properly introduced myself to our Social Media Followers! So below is the post that...



Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, a bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies....



Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It guards against psychic attack transmuting the...



Flourite Available in 6 colors, Flourite is highly protective, especially on a psychic level. It helps you discern when outside...

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)

Black Tourmaline protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells and ill wishing, and negative energies of all...

In ancient Egyptian mythology and in myths that originated from it, the mythical Phoenix is a sacred female firebird with beautiful red and gold feathers, the color of the rising Sun.

The Myth of the Regal Phoenix! (How we got our name!)

In ancient Egyptian mythology and in myths that originated from it, the mythical Phoenix is a sacred female firebird with...

What You Need To Know About The 2019 Lionsgate Portal (8/8/2019)

What You Need To Know About The 2019 Lionsgate Portal (8/8/2019)

It’s 12:25am and Spirit has led me to write this blog after reading an article on ForeverConscious about the Lionsgate....

Reading for Millennials!

Reading for Millennials!

For these reasons and more, I love the rare chance to read for a young person. I find it so...

Learning to trust my INTUITION during readings...

Learning to trust my INTUITION during readings...

As an intuitive reader, it is my job to help you open the door to your healing. I'm not a...

Healing Oracle Crystal Readings

Healing Oracle Crystal Readings

Although the idea of pulling cards seems totally random, I guarantee you it is not. Each card pulled will have...

  • $00 Product Title 3 colors
  • $00 Product Title 3 colors
  • $00 Product Title 3 colors
  • $00 Product Title 3 colors